The Black Cauldron, 1985
A great collection of original production animation cels for sale from the Walt Disney feature film.

Original hand painted production animation cel of Taran and Princess Eilonwy from "The Black Cauldron," 1985, Walt Disney Studios; Copyright The Walt Disney Company stamp and Walt Disney seal lower right; Set on a line background with production numbers lower cel edge; Size - Taran & Princess Eilonwy: 8 x 7 1/2", Image 10 1/2 x 15 1/4"; Unframed; SOLD!

Original hand painted production animation cels of Taran, Gurgi, and an Apple from "The Black Cauldron," 1985, Walt Disney Studios; Set on brown line background; Apple cel numbered G014 in ink lower left; Walt Disney seal lower right & with original Walt Disney Company Certificate; Lithographic background also included; Pictured on page 20 of "Tomart's Value Guide to Disney Animation Art," 1998; Size - Taran & Gurgi: 6 1/2 x 3 1/2", Image 11 x 15 3/4"; Unframed; SOLD!

Original hand painted production animation cel of the Horned King from "The Black Cauldron," 1985, Walt Disney Studios; Numbered HK23 in ink lower right; Set on a lithographic background; Size - Horned King: 6 1/4 x 4", Image 11 x 14 1/2"; Unframed; SOLD!

Original hand painted production animation cels of Taran and Hen Wen from "The Black Cauldron," 1985, Walt Disney Studios; Numbered T23 and P23 in ink lower right; Copyright Walt Disney Productions 1985 stamp and Walt Disney seal lower right; Set on a line background with production numbers lower cel edge; Size - Taran & Hen Wen: 5 1/2 x 8 3/4", Image 10 3/4 x 17"; Unframed; SOLD!

Original hand painted production animation cels of Taran and Princess Eilonwy from "The Black Cauldron," 1985, Walt Disney Studios; Walt Disney seal lower right; Set on a line background with production numbers lower cel edge; Size - Taran: 4 1/4 x 3 1/2", Princess Eilonwy: 5 1/2 x 2 1/2", Image 10 1/2 x 15 1/2"; Unframed; SOLD!

Original hand painted production animation cels of the Horned King and Creeper from "The Black Cauldron," 1985, Walt Disney Studios; Production number and Walt Disney seal lower right; Set on a line background with production numbers lower cel edge; Size - Horned King & Creeper: 9 3/4 x 9", Image 10 1/2 x 15"; Unframed; SOLD!

Original hand painted production animation cel of the Horned King from "The Black Cauldron," 1985, Walt Disney Studios; Walt Disney seal lower left; Set on an original line background with production numbers lower cel edge; Size - Horned King: 7 1/2 x 9", Image 11 x 15 1/2"; Unframed; SOLD!

Original hand painted production animation cels of Taran, Gurgi, and an Apple from "The Black Cauldron," 1985, Walt Disney Studios; Set on brown line cel background; Walt Disney seal and copyright Walt Disney Productions 1985 stamp lower left; Size - Taran & Gurgi: 6 1/2 x 3", Image 9 1/2 x 15"; Unframed; SOLD!

Original hand painted production animation cel of the Horned King from "The Black Cauldron," 1985, Walt Disney Studios; Walt Disney seal lower left; Set on a lithographic background; Size - Horned King: 10 1/4 x 3 3/4", Image 11 x 16"; Unframed; SOLD!

Original hand painted production animation cel of the Horned King from "The Black Cauldron," 1985, Walt Disney Studios; Walt Disney seal lower left; Set on an original line background with production numbers lower cel edge; Size - Horned King: 7 1/2 x 9", Image 11 x 15 1/2"; Unframed.
"Now I call on my army of the dead: the Cauldron Born! Arise, my messengers of death! Our time has arrived!" - Horned King
"The Black Cauldron," 1985 is an animated feature film produced by Walt Disney Feature Animation in association with Silver Screen Partners II, and released by Walt Disney Pictures. It was the 25the Disney feature film and is loosely based on the first two books in "The Chronicles of Prydain" by Lloyd Alexander. The film was directed by Ted Berman and
Richard Rich and was the first Disney animated film to be recorded in Dolby Stereo. It feature the voices talents of Grant Bardsley, Susan Sheridan, Freddie Jones, Nigel Hawthorne, John Byner, and John Hurt. "The Black Cauldron" was the first animated film to receive a PG rating, and feature computer-generated imagery. The film had a budget of $44 million, was released on July 24, 1985, and only earned #21.3 million domestically leading to a loss for the studio; and in the process putting the Walt Disney Feature Animation Studio near bankruptcy. The film was not released on home video until 1998.
The next four paragraphs is the plot of the film and are from Wikipedia:
"In the land of Prydain, Taran is an "assistant pig-keeper" on the small farm of Caer Dallben, home of Dallben the Enchanter. Dallben learns that the Horned King is searching for a mystical relic known as the Black Cauldron, which is capable of creating an invincible army of undead warriors, the "Cauldron-Born." Dallben fears the Horned King may try to steal his pig Hen Wen, which has oracular powers, and use her to locate the cauldron. Dallben directs Taran to take Hen Wen to safety; unfortunately, Taran's foolish daydreaming causes Hen Wen to be captured by the Horned King's forces.
Taran follows them to the Horned King's stronghold. Along the way, he encounters the small pestering companion Gurgi, who joins Taran on his search. Frustrated by Gurgi's antics, Taran leaves the former to sneak into the castle and rescues Hen Wen, but although Hen Wen escapes from the castle, Taran is arrested and thrown into the dungeon. A fellow captive named Princess Eilonwy frees Taran as she is trying to make her own escape. In the catacombs beneath the castle, Taran and Eilonwy discover the ancient burial chamber of a king, where Taran arms himself with the King's sword. It contains magic that allows him effectively to fight the Horned King's minions and so to fulfill his dream of heroism. Along with a third prisoner, the comical, middle-aged bard Fflewddur Fflam, they escape from the castle and are soon reunited with Gurgi. Upon discovering that Taran has escaped, the Horned King order his dwarf companion Creeper to send the Gwythaints to follow Taran and bring him back alive.
Following Hen Wen's trail, the four stumble into the underground kingdom of the Fair Folk who reveal that Hen Wen is under their protection. When the cheerful, elderly King Eidilleg reveals that he knows where the cauldron is, Taran resolves to go destroy it himself. Eilonwy, Fflewddur, and Gurgi agree to join him and Eidilleg's obnoxious right-hand man Doli is assigned to lead them to the Marshes of Morva while the Fair Folk agree to escort Hen Wen safely back to Caer Dallben. At the marshes they learn that the cauldron is held by three witches - the grasping Orddu, who acts as leader: the greedy Orgoch; and the more benevolent Orwen, who falls is love with Fflewddur at first sight, which causes a frightened Doli to abandon the group. Orddu agrees to trade the cauldron for Taran's sword, and he reluctantly agrees, although he knows that to yield it will cost his chance for heroism. Before vanishing, the witches reveal that the cauldron is indestructible, and that its power can only be broken by someone who climbs in under his own free will, which will kill him. Although Taran feels foolish for aspiring to destroy the cauldron alone, his companions show their belief in him; and it seems the Eilonwy and Taran will kiss. Suddenly, the celebration is interrupted by the Horned King's soldiers who have finally reached the marshes themselves. They seize the cauldron and arrest everyone but Gurgi, and take their prisoners back to the castle. The Horned King uses the cauldron to raise the dead and the Cauldron-born army begins to pour out into the world.
Gurgi manages to free the captives and Taran decides to cast himself into the cauldron, but Gurgi stops him and jumps into the cauldron himself. The undead army collapses. When the Horned King spots Taran at large, he inters the turn of events, says that Taran has interfered for the last time, and throws the youth toward the cauldron; however, the cauldron's magic is out of control. It consumes the Horned King in a tunnel of fire and blood. The three witches come to recover the now-inert Black Cauldron. However, Taran has finally realized Gurgi's true friendship, and he persuades them to revive the wild thing in exchange for the cauldron, forcing him to give up his magical sword permanently. Fflewddur challenges the reluctant witches to demonstrate their powers by the revival, and upon hearing Fflewddur's remarks, the witches honor the request, restoring Gurgi back to life. After Gurgi is resurrected, he pushes Taran and Eilonwy into a kiss. The four friends then journey back to Caer Dallben where Dallben and Doli watch them in a vision created by Hen Wen, and Dallben finally praises Taran for his heroism despite the fact that he prefers to be a Pig-Boy."
This is a very large (nine inches long) and impressive original production animation cel of the evil Horned King, the villain of "The Black Cauldron." A bold and dramatic pose with both of his arms outstretched over his head, glowing red eyes, his horns are clearly visible, and his dark blood red robes are billowing behind him. In addition, he is set on an original line overlay background. This is a stand out piece of animation artwork, and is a perfect addition for any collection!
#BlackCauldron #TheBlackCauldron #Disney #WaltDisney #Taran #HornedKing #Creeper #OllieJohnston #DonBluth #TheHornedKing #CauldronBorn #FairFolk #Cauldron #LloydAlexander #Gurgi #Disney #WaltDisney #untitledartgallery #animation #Cel #animationcel #productioncel #productiondrawing #Disneyanimation #art #artwork #Gwythaints #FflewddurFflam #Fflewddur #PearlBailey #Dallben #Prydain #animationdrawing #masterbackground #JohnHurt #animationbackground #Eidilleg #Doli #Eilonwy