Untitled Art GalleryOriginal Production Animation Drawing of Thumper from "Bambi," 1942Original production animation drawing in red and graphite pencils of Thumper from "Bambi," 1942, Walt Disney Studios; Production numbers...
Untitled Art GalleryOriginal Production Animation Cels of Bambi & Thumper with Courvoisier background from "Bambi," 1942Original hand painted and hand inked production animation cels of Bambi and Thumper over a Courvoisier air brush wood veneer background...
Untitled Art GalleryOriginal Production Animation Drawing of Thumper from "Bambi," 1942Original hand painted and hand inked production animation cel of Thumper over a Courvoisier air brush background from "Bambi," 1942, Walt...
Untitled Art GalleryOriginal Production Cel of Thumper On A Courvoisier Background From "Bambi," 1942Original hand painted and hand inked production cel of Thumper over a Courvoisier air brush background from "Bambi," 1942; WDP stamp...