Untitled Art GalleryOriginal Production Animation Cels of Madame Bonfamille and Frou-Frou from "The Aristocats," 1970Original hand painted production animation cels of Madame Adelaide Bonfamille and Frou-Frou from "The Aristocats," 1970; Walt Disney...
Untitled Art GalleryOriginal Production Animation Cels of Prince John, Sir Hiss, and The Sheriff from "Robin Hood," 1973Original hand painted production animation cels Prince John & Sir Hiss and The Sheriff of Nottingham set on a lithographic background...
Untitled Art GalleryOriginal Production Animation Cel of Marie from "The Aristocats," 1970Original hand painted production animation cel of Marie from "The Aristocats," 1970; Walt Disney Studios; Numbered 57 in ink lower right;...