Untitled Art GalleryOriginal Production Animation Cel of Ratigan and Fidget from "The Great Mouse Detective," 1986 Original hand painted production animation cel of Professor Ratigan and Fidget set on a lithographic background from "The Great Mouse...
Untitled Art GalleryOriginal Production Animation Cels of Ratigan and Basil from "The Great Mouse Detective," 1986Original hand painted production animation cels of Professor Ratigan and Basil set on a lithographic background from "The Great Mouse...
Untitled Art GalleryOriginal Production Animation Cels of Princess Ariel, Prince Eric, and Max from "The Little Mermaid"Original hand painted production animation cel of Princess Ariel, Prince Eric, and Max with matching Wedding Veil cel from "The Little...
Untitled Art GalleryOriginal Production Animation Cels of Ursula and her Tentacles from "The Little Mermaid," 1989Original hand painted matching production animation cels of Ursula and her Tentacles numbered W5 and T5 set on a lithographic background...
Untitled Art GalleryOriginal Production Animation Cel of Madame Medusa from "The Rescuers," 1977Original hand-painted production animation cel of Madame Medusa holding The Devil's Eye Diamond from "The Rescuers," 1977, Walt Disney...
Untitled Art GalleryOriginal Production Animation Drawing of Pocahontas from "Pocahontas," 1995Original production animation drawing of Pocahontas in graphite and brown pencils from "Pocahontas," 1995, Walt Disney Studios; Numbered...
Untitled Art GalleryOriginal Production Animation Drawing of Tarzan from "Tarzan," 1999Original production animation drawing of Tarzan in red and graphite pencils from "Tarzan," 1999, Walt Disney Studios; Numbered 39 in...