Untitled Art GalleryOriginal Production Animation Cel of Figaro, Fish, and Water Effects from "Pinocchio," 1940Original hand painted and hand inked production animation cels of Figaro, Fish, and Water Effects from "Pinocchio," 1940, Walt Disney...
Untitled Art GalleryOriginal Production Animation Key Setup of Pinocchio, Geppetto, and Figaro from "Pinocchio," 1940Original hand painted and hand inked production animation cels of Pinocchio, Geppetto, and Figaro from "Pinocchio," 1940, Walt Disney...
Untitled Art GalleryOriginal Production Animation Cel of Pinocchio, Geppetto, and Figaro from "Pinocchio," 1940Original hand painted and hand inked production animation cel of Pinocchio, Geppetto, and Figaro from "Pinocchio," 1940, Walt Disney...