Untitled Art GalleryOriginal Production Animation Drawing of Mickey Mouse and Ice from "On Ice," 1935Original production animation drawing of Mickey Mouse and Ice from "On Ice," 1935, Walt Disney Studios; Green, blue, red and graphite...
Untitled Art GalleryOriginal Production Animation Cel of Goofy and Percy from "How To Ride A Horse," 1941Original hand painted and hand inked production animation cel of Goofy and Percy from "How To Ride A Horse," 1941, Walt Disney Studios;...
Untitled Art GalleryOriginal Production Animation Drawings of Donald Duck and Guard from "The Autograph Hound," 1939Original production animation drawings of Donald Duck, Security Guard, and Autograph Books from "The Autograph Hound," 1939, Walt Disney...
Untitled Art GalleryOriginal Production Animation Cel of Donald Duck from "Steel and America," 1965Original hand painted production animation cel of Donald Duck from "Steel and America," 1965, Walt Disney Studios; Set on a lithographic...