Original Production Animation Cels of Mickey Mouse (Pauper) from "The Prince and the Pauper," 1990
Original Production Animation Cel of Cruella De Vil & BG from "One Hundred and One Dalmatians," 1961
"Untitled," 2009 by Kenneth Noland
Original Production Animation Cel of Pongo from "One Hundred and One Dalmatians," 1961
"Cunningham Relief," 1974 by Robert Rauschenberg
Original Production Animation Key Master Cel Setup of Tod from "The Fox and the Hound," 1981
Original production cel of Professor Ratigan from "The Great Mouse Detective," 1986
Caned Dance, 1974 by Bruce Nauman
"Flash-November 22, 1963, 1968," by Andy Warhol (Feldman/Schellmann: II.42)
"Untitled," 1966 Hand Signed and Numbered Serigraph on Paper by Ad Reinhardt
Pablo Picasso - "Étude de Profils (Study of Profiles)"
Original Authenticated Graphite Drawing of "Miguel Bose," 1983 by Andy Warhol
"Untitled," 1973 by Cy Twombly
Andy Warhol - Double-sided Watercolor
Original Production Animation Cel of Horace Badun from "One Hundred and One Dalmatians," 1961
"Natural History Part I Mushrooms: No. VII," 1974 by Cy Twombly